
Their test run with New Normal's health rules, whose violence and absurdity were barely concealed, has followed the same method to make us complicit through inertia or indoctrination, to strip us of any sense of human community under the pretence of protecting it.

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Well linked reflection to the CovidEra achievements of the elitist: there are a "collusion" of agendas. My guess: behind the health dictatorship and the bloody militar psycho dictatorship are the same money-power supporters, or "bosses" .... Full Spectrum Dominance´s dream.

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Mass murder by the West in the current context has differences from WW II because of the specific populations targeted and their position versus the West (or rather Western governments and their corporate masters), but during WW II the West embraced mass murder of civilian populations by firebombing cities in both Germany and Japan to try to force them to surrender. Ironically, both Germany and Japan are enthusiastic supporters of US/Israeli mass murder in Gaza today, which resonates perfectly with their own murderous pasts. Germany's is perhaps better known, but Japan killed an estimated 20 million Chinese in the 20th century before being stopped by their 1945 WW II defeat. Imperialist countries aren't going to change their character and become peaceful but their alliances will always shift with their changing fortunes and the resistance of those they have in their gunsights.

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Excellent text. Thank you. I’ve watched an interview from Garland Nixon to Joti Brar (on You Tube, must watch), where she talks about Palestine in the context of what Imperialist Powers have done since WWI.

Where capitalism needs to create wars to maintain their existence. Because the crisis in the Imperialist system is so deep that the way out is hummgungs destruction and hummgungs looting. If you destroy enough people and enough city’s than you can get your economy going. Then you a balance between production and consumption. When there’s a crisis of over production, you create a war to maintain high levels of profit and recovery of a major economic crisis.

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I’m reminded of a Marxian quote that “ Capitalism is a system of creative destruction “applied to the forces of material production. In the same way redundant or resistant populations act as a brake on the system and must be creatively destructed.

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Good post. I agree that one of the main reasons Biden has let his Israel attack dog off the leash is to provide an example to other nations and groups of the world outside of Europe and the Anglo-sphere, of the consequences of disobedience to the Global Godfather. However I think there is also a more particular reason too, and that is to severely punish the Palestinian resistance for blowing up the Abraham Accords. Biden and Blinken seemed to have continued the efforts of Trump and Pompeo in trying to force a multi-lateral agreement between US client states in the region - Egypt, Israel, UAE, and KSA - to keep the region under ultimate US control. Also it was the hope of Israel that these agreements would bury the Palestinian issue once and for all. The October 7 attacks shattered these efforts and the Arab states which were supposed to be part of this now have put things on hold because of their populations’ sympathy for the Palestinians.

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Maybe the workers building all those bombs and ammunition in the west should be targeted and shown the fruits of their labours....

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I've often wondered how those who work in the armaments field sleep at night. I've been told the big pay checks and alcohol/drugs help.

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A startling, but rational conclusion. Peaceful protest is no remedy to this situation.

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A good point: peaceful protest in UK has no legal or constitutional protections so it is dispensed at the discretion of the ruling class. A situation exists in UK today resembling 18 and early 19 centuries when any protest or collective action was viewed as seditious and threatening to authority who were often obsessed with fears of mass unrest. Collective resistance must necessarily adopt new forms acting on the example of the global south even progressing to armed resistance if the Gaza Method is employed against resistant neighbourhoods in the North.

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Gaza is about the Ben Gurian canal-a war against the reserve currency of USDOLLAR AND BRIC (Suez canal.

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I bet you that the 'Gaza genocide-cum-ethnic-cleansing' will turn out to be what the 'Jenin massacre' was in 2002: no genocide at all. That Hamas's propaganda has to inflate civilian casualty figures so transparently proves after all that the IDF is quite successful in their avoidance of collateral damage and that Gazans are not stupid enough to let themselves be 'martyred' by Hamas's tactics, which do deserve your epithet of 'Gaza method' in any real sense. - I wonder whether it is prudent for you to let your own bloodlust show through so readily in your projection of motives onto Israel or the 'mass-murdering' West. You may find it useful to remind yourself from time to time that taking one's wishes for reality has never been a recipe for success in the real world. - For public intellectuals like yourself, whose anti-Israel prejudice is clearly derived from their anti-Western prejudice (anti-capitalism, anti-imperialism, anti-colonialism as ideologies) I follow Eric Voegelin when he demonstrates how Karl Marx was in fact an 'intellectual swindler' who knew his ideas didn't hold water, but peddled them for effect nevertheless. Marx's trick: the prohibition of questions, of asking the 'wrong' (i.e. right) questions. There are three stages to becoming an 'intellectual swindler': (1) deception or error; (2) awareness of the untruth and persistence in the deception which makes it an intellectual swindle; (3) revolt against God revealed as the motive for the swindle, which becomes demonic mendacity if continued in full knowledge of the motive. [Science, Politics, and Gnosticism (1958)] - However, I don't think I would call your admired Charles de Gaulle an 'intellectual swindler', although he indulged in quite a bit of legerdemain to preserve France's honour. But the French overall were sufficiently self-critical to be grateful for it without drawing the altogether wrong conclusion that they didn't belong to the West. And Charles de Gaulle knew that he could count on them for not making fools of themselves. Whereas you are obviously more German than French in your rush to do exactly that.

[Now I'm curious to see whether you let my comment stand or will block me as you did on Twitter even before I had made a single reply to your unhinged tweets. I can at the same time promise you that I won't pay any further attention to your substack. I mean, why would I, right?]

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I don't disagree with anything in this very fine post, but would simply add that an Axis of Resistance Method is also evolving. Perhaps not as rapidly we might like, but the latter will prevail eventually I believe. Hard power has its limits.

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"We are being trained in accepting genocidal warfare as a new normal."

I fear you are absolutely right. If you can make the Western populace accept the slaughter of innocents, mothers and children and tiny babies in incubators, then you can make them accept anything up to and including nuclear war. It's why we can't ever stop the protests, stop the calling out of the West's immoral leaders with their sick and perverted tactics. The moment we shut up and stay quiet, they'll win and we will have lost everything--including our souls.

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Brilliant synthesis of what we are experiencing. As cfall said, it has to do with the brain-washing and crimes against humanity erased laws, disinformation, the whole "democide" package of the Covid Era. As you said: Precedent, too. These psychopaths-in-charge fo almost West-North regimes, now with this mad-bloody-gigant-attack on Gaza, achieve another level of destruction: of the civilians there, of the perception of reality for the world population, and of the international law and justice apparatus. They want to show that they are above the law, and convince us that they are dangerous psychos to fear. They bilded biases in the popular mindset, even to perceive this obvious plan. Now is on us: we debunk this biases and begin to act... or we dive in the virtual reality they want to cajole us in.

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